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VR Tait Parcels Van by Auscision Models

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

Items used for Auscision Parcels van:

ESU 58429 LokSound 5 21-MTC DCC decoder

DCCSound Premium Speaker

1 business card

The body is a little tricky to remove from the chassis, just requiring some patience... and a business card or equivalent, think paper/plastic stock. There are four metal features per body side on the chassis that hold the body into position. The bottom of the body mid-way along is pulled out and some card placed underneath to release from the chassis.

Next, the 21 pin DC plug is removed, along with the dummy sound enclosure.

A 21 pin decoder and DCCSound Premium Speaker are installed. Take note of the decoder mounting orientation, in that is to be mounted upside down, so ensure the pins line up. The speaker has markings to show that it is designed to fit one way, clearing the flywheel.

To convert the lighting from DC to DCC, the two long JST plugs must be each removed from the "DC" sockets and moved to the "DCC" sockets, as printed on the motherboard.

Once done, the body can be reinstalled.

The canopy route lighting is configured to operate off F12, which controls 8 different combinations of canopy light configurations, per end. This saves having many function buttons necessary to control the individual lighting outputs (6 additional keys).

Here are the configurations for the various Melbourne services:


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