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VR T class (ser. 3) by Austrains

Updated: May 29, 2022

Required parts:

ESU 58420 LokSound 5 DCC decoder

DCCSound Sugarcube speaker for Austrains T class

Golden white/warm white LEDs & 470 ohm resistors (x2)

To access the chassis, any grab irons are removed from the body. The long hood is then gently squeezed in and lifted from the chassis/walkway. The long hood, body and short hood will then lift off from the chassis/walkway in one piece.

The DC board is removed from the model to allow maximum room for the diminutive decoder which is hardwired in place. The decoder's orange wire runs to the top brush connection on the motor, while the grey wire runs to the lower brush connection. The red decoder wire connects to the red "RHS" track pickup wires, while the black decoder wire connects to the black LHS track pickup wires.

The speaker wires are fed through the chassis and into the fuel tank area. Remove the fuel tank and battery box assembly to fit the speaker. The top plate of the fuel tank can be removed from the main fuel tank and discarded. A DCCSound twin sugarcube speaker (S-121) slots into the fuel tank, once the small post is removed from within the fuel tank.

The Austrains globes are replaced with 3mm LEDs and 470 ohm resistors wired on the function output wires (white and yellow decoder wires) in series with the negative leg of each LED. The "flag" inside each LED signifies the -ve side.

Once the decoder is hardwired, the body can be refitted, securing all handrails back in place.




PO Box 320, Buninyong, VIC 3357

0487 475 222


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